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Welcome to our new website. We’ve made some important updates to improve access to information on our vLex content and products. Information on how to access Justis, vLex Justis or JustisOne can be found below.

Recent changes and updates

Following the acquisition of Justis in 2019, both teams have been working hard behind the scenes to unite resources, technology and content to provide a better service for all of our valued customers. We are now pleased to have started the process of uniting our brands. From July 2021 onwards, all activities and teams will come together as one brand, vLex.

Access to JustisOne

To access JustisOne you can continue to use the same log in page accounts.justis.com. We recommend bookmarking this link for easy access. JustisOne resources and support is now located on our new resources page.

Access to vLex Justis

Your access has not changed; you can continue to log in to vLex Justis using the direct link justis.vlex.com. We recommend bookmarking this link for easy access. vLex Justis resources and support is now located on our new resources page.

Access to vLex

To sign in to vLex continue to use the sign-in button in the top right corner of the page. You can also bookmark our direct access link app.vlex.com.


If you have any questions about our new website, your account or anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
