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Legal research platform

Only with vLex can you access comprehensive collections of case law, legislation, dockets, journals, books, news, commentary and more, spanning over 100 countries on one service.


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Unlimited search results from over 100 countries

vLex enables you to search across an entire range of data from over 100 countries, including information outside of your subscription, to help you find relevant documents and minimise the risk of missing important information.

More content in one location

vLex aggregates legal documents from thousands of important and authoritative sources. With hundreds of thousands of new documents added each month, vLex helps you stay up to date with the law.

Find what you need quickly

vLex enables you to search the way in which you prefer. Choose between an auto-complete search bar, advanced search with boolean options, or an intuitive and easy-to-navigate browsing tool.

Custom email alerts

Create daily, weekly, and even Monday to Friday email alerts for custom searches, courts, party names and more. You can even create alerts directly from search results to keep you updated with any new documents matching your specific search criteria.

10/10 “Very comprehensive and easy to navigate”

Leon Fernando, Barrister, Del Canto Chambers

Identify important information

Instantly identify the most cited passages of a judgment to get to the crux of a case, and even see where and how those sections have been most subsequently cited. vLex cross-references hundreds of thousands of documents continuously to identify cited passages, and provide direct links between documents.

Visually navigate relationships

Often long lists are not the best method to communicate multiple, complex relationships between cases. The vLex Precedent Map instantly displays the relationships between case law, allowing you to filter by area of law to make sure that you are looking at the most relevant information for your research. Using the Precedent Map even allows you to see common links to documents not directly cited, to ensure you do not miss any key cases relevant to your research. In some regions, such as the UK, vLex also displays treatment information to further improve your understanding of the relationships between two, or more, cases.

Automatic language translation

If you are conducting international or comparative law research, or simply looking for persuasive arguments that might well be from overseas, vLex can automatically translate documents into multiple languages to allow you access to more of the law. You can even view automatically translated documents side-by-side with the original. Translations are made by Google Translate software, we advise seeking an official translation once you have found a relevant document.

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